I don’t know how this happened, but I have two kids that are afraid of spiders. It makes me feel like a failure as a dad. I continually tell them things like, “Hey, spiders are our friends, they eat any other bugs that may be around.” It makes no difference. They come back with some nonsense like, “Did you know that daddy long legs are very poisonous, their fangs are just not big enough to deliver the poison to humans?” I say nonsense because that’s what it is. One google search will tell you that this is just as false as “spiders bite you in your sleep” or “every year you end up swallowing eight spiders while you are sleeping.” Daddy long legs are not poisonous and are not even technically spiders. My boys spend all day online but couldn’t be bothered to take ten seconds search this. But hey, they were up to date on the whole Drake dis track thing.
Kids these days aren’t outside enough. This is our fault parents. We should have kicked them out till the street lights came on as nature intended. I remember catching daddy long legs when I was a kid. According to my boys this makes me super brave. I also remember hunting yellow jackets with a fly swatter. That was more fun because there was an element of danger, if you missed the yellow jackets they would get angry and come after you. They were pretty quick, but most of the time I was quicker. Most of the time.
Now here I am stuck with a teenager who called me into our finished basement the other day to save him from a spider that had been terrorizing him. A spider that was in fact a cricket that evaded all my attempts to catch him. My son has since seen the cricket spider a few more times and offered me this gem. “Dad, the cricket in the basement, that guy’s a real trickster.”
Get your kids out to touch some grass my friends. Trust me.