When you become a parent, you join a club of sorts. You learn a surprising thing upon your entry into this club. All the other members are winging it, just like you are. Sure, there are plenty of books on parenting, but no one except for the most annoying overachievers actually reads them. Lots of people buy these books. Lots of people read the first chapter of these books and then fall asleep. The book then goes on a shelf in a visible spot, so when visitors come over, they will see said parenting book and think, “Oh, what responsible parents.”
I have two boys. I would like to pass on some of the most important parenting lessons that I have learned. Here’s to everyone else who’s winging it, just like me.
- When you teach your boys that trees are convenient places to relieve themselves, be aware that it will become the preferred relief location. You may then receive emails from your sons school, informing you that you need to have a talk with your son about appropriate places to go to the bathroom.
- When your son watches “The World At War” with his grandpa, he will remember every country from the allied and axis powers. In the future, if he meets anyone from a country that was an adversary of ours in World War II, it will create a super embarrassing situation.
- When your son is small, he will launch himself at your head and neck without warning. Boys love to wrestle. Wrestling matches can start at any time.
- Reading to your kids is one of the most important things you can do.
- No two kids are the same. For example, you will have one kid that eats like a ravenous viking, and you will have one that doesn’t like the different foods on his plate to touch each other.
- Small children are basically parrots with a devious sense of humor. If you listen to questionable music around them, I guarantee you that they will bust out into song at the worst possible time. (And they will remember every lyric) I’m fully expecting to have an Uptown Funk moment any day now.
- These photos and videos of the world’s largest cave are pretty awesome.
- Here are 62 things to appreciate about everyday life.
- A Batman hotel suite. Because,,,,,,, just because.
- Cool extreme weather photos.
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