My wife loves me. This is something that I never need to wonder about, because I have evidence.
- A week after she got a cast off of her broken ankle, I took her to a concert where we stood for six hours. She didn’t complain at all, but a drunk hippie guy in front of us kept bumping into her. She ended up shoving him really hard. It was pretty awesome.
- When my oldest was two, I dragged all of us out to Steelers training camp in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Training camp is in August and it was wicked hot. While I stood up near the players trying to get autographs, she watched our son, who eventually got bored and took off. The crowd that had gathered to watch practice, ended up watching my wife chase a two year old in a Polamalu jersey around the hillside. Every time that he juked and got away from her, they cheered. At the end of the day, instead of being frustrated with me for keeping us there for hours, she was happy for me as I stood there with a big goofy grin and showed her the Ben Roethlisberger autograph that my dad and I had gotten.
- Every time a big
Big Ben and someones flip phone.
sporting event comes around, and I say “Man, I’d love to go to that”, she tells me to go. I would have missed out on some great sports memories if she hadn’t encouraged me to go.
- She dresses me. I don’t mean in the morning, although I wouldn’t mind. I mean, if she wasn’t around, I would be wearing threadbare shorts and t-shirts to nearly every occasion. Weddings, graduations, funerals. I would reserve my best shorts and t-shirts for those events. Now, I have considered that maybe she just doesn’t want to be embarrassed when she goes out with me. That is possible.
- We went on an island vacation together last year, and she spent every day in the water with me, even though the movie Jaws scarred her for life. Only once did she swim back to the beach. This might not sound like a big deal, but I’m pretty sure she checks the swimming pool for sharks before she gets in.
- Our first anniversary activities included going to a Pittsburgh Pirates game and sleeping in the back of the car at a state park. To be fair to myself, we did also spend a night at a bed and breakfast,,,,,, and tour a submarine. I’m quite romantic.
- Like I said, I’m very romantic. One year for Christmas, I gave her a Steelers jersey and a can of Jerome Bettis trading cards. She graciously waited an entire year to point out how ridiculous the gift was.
So, I look back on all of this and think, wow I would have complained about some of that stuff if I was her. I think that maybe instead of complaining, she has just decided to get even, and never do laundry,,,,,ever.
- Over Easter weekend there was a huge jewel heist. I know it’s a crime and everything, but something about it is awesome.
- Somewhere out in Colorado, goldfish are taking over a lake, and they are using something called electrofishing to get rid of them. Here is a video of electrofishing. I find it funny for some reason.
- Happy National Sibling Day, from the people who bring you Failblog.
- So, this week Directv had to stop running all those Rob Lowe commercials because apparently Comcasts feelings were hurt. Here is the USA Today story with links to the commercials.
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