Does it make me a bad person that I don’t find Winnie the Pooh as charming as everyone else seems to? I know he’s cute and all, but he’s basically just a slacker. I’m not that fond of Paddington either. When it comes down to it, my favorite tv bears are Smoky and the grizzlies who eventually ate the guy who was living with them in Alaska. Smoky, now there’s a motivated bear. He has a job other than looking for honey, and he’s pretty good at it. As far as the grizzlies go. Timothy Treadwell lived with those bears on and off for 13 years. My best guess as to why they eventually chose to eat him goes something like this. One Sunday during football season Tim decides to introduce his bear buddies to the NFL. So, he brings a portable television to his camp and they all sit down with nachos and assorted bear snacks. Tim says, “Hey guys, let’s watch the Chicago Bears game.” They begin to watch the game and the grizzlies become irate that humans have chosen Jay Cutler to quarterback the team that is named after them. They take out all their frustrations on Tim. And that was all she wrote.
Other observation of the week. Pedestrians who cross the road in front of you and choose to walk diagonally, therefore taking as long a time possible to make the crossing, are jerks
- Because it’s not too late to make a resolution. Click on the IDEAS tab when you get there.
- It’s really not too late. And it doesn’t have to bankrupt you
- I know some of you enjoy the cold. (You strange people) If you’ve got kids, this is way less frustrating than teaching them to snowboard.
- Ok. So, since I’m a dad, my movie viewing is usually limited to animated features. If I try to watch a full movie after the little buggers go to bed, I just fall asleep in the middle of it. I finally got to see Walter Mitty. I know it has like 50% on Rotten Tomatoes. Forget that, this is a good movie. The web site for it is cool too. On the sidebar they have inspirational stories collected from different people. (Admittedly, some more inspirational than others)